As a call center agent, you will encounter customers' different tempers. It is part of your job to assist them and deal with them in no matter what reasons. You will have to help customers who are irate and as you go along with the challenging conversation, it is important to maintain your focus and attend to your job responsibility as well as to your customers’ needs. Whether good or bad, you have to solve the problem at hand.
Do not Personalize: It is important to know what are the limits of your job. If there's a time you'll get to experience the perverse attitudes and caustic tones of these kind of callers, just keep in mind that everything you do is for the business purposes and has something to do with essential code of professionalism. So you don't have to drag your temper into the situation and need not be too emotional. Do not personalize anything what these callers say to you. Take the easiest way to control your temper and attend to your duties instead. Listen to them carefully and offer a firm solution to pacify them. The most effective way to keep them calm is to utter the comfort phrases such as “I know what are you saying”, “I understand” and “let's put it this way”.
Listen and Be Patient: Give them time to speak and know their issues. Do not interrupt them and let them finish speaking. In this case, you have to keep your job on the ground and be patient. You should control your temper in order not to breach the rules and regulations of a call center business. Take a deep breath and pretend you didn't hear any unnecessary words from these callers.
Apologize and Offer Solutions: Humble yourself and make an apology even if you know that the customer or caller is wrong. Take a moment to apologize for the inconvenience and for the confusion of the conversation as well. An apology is also a way of making these callers calm. When you apologize, you must guarantee them a solution with their issues. As a call center representative, it is your responsibility to attend to their problems and resolve it.
Written by: Mae Winky Mozelle D. Veluz.
Do not Personalize: It is important to know what are the limits of your job. If there's a time you'll get to experience the perverse attitudes and caustic tones of these kind of callers, just keep in mind that everything you do is for the business purposes and has something to do with essential code of professionalism. So you don't have to drag your temper into the situation and need not be too emotional. Do not personalize anything what these callers say to you. Take the easiest way to control your temper and attend to your duties instead. Listen to them carefully and offer a firm solution to pacify them. The most effective way to keep them calm is to utter the comfort phrases such as “I know what are you saying”, “I understand” and “let's put it this way”.
Listen and Be Patient: Give them time to speak and know their issues. Do not interrupt them and let them finish speaking. In this case, you have to keep your job on the ground and be patient. You should control your temper in order not to breach the rules and regulations of a call center business. Take a deep breath and pretend you didn't hear any unnecessary words from these callers.
Apologize and Offer Solutions: Humble yourself and make an apology even if you know that the customer or caller is wrong. Take a moment to apologize for the inconvenience and for the confusion of the conversation as well. An apology is also a way of making these callers calm. When you apologize, you must guarantee them a solution with their issues. As a call center representative, it is your responsibility to attend to their problems and resolve it.
Written by: Mae Winky Mozelle D. Veluz.
For more Call Center services and information kindly visit our website or call us at (+62) 8931013 Thank you.
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